Bullfrog Valley Park and Jonathan Eshenour Memorial Trail, Hummelstown, PA

The Bullfrog Valley Park and the Jonathan Eshenour Memorial Trail (located across from the Hershey Medical Center) in Hummelstown, Pennsylvania, are fun family-friendly walking trails with beautiful foliage, sunset views, ponds, streams and cute animals. I included photos and videos of the great blue heron bird, many ducks, and groundhogs that frequent the area. 

The Jonathan Eshenour Memorial Trail is wonderful for biking, getting some sun and getting a great workout. Both walking trails are conveniently located near the Hershey West End Community, with additional cafe's and restaurants. I strongly recommend this family-friendly walking trail for all visitors and locals of the Hershey region. 

Walking Trail along Hershey West End

Walking Trail Along Hershey West End, Near Hershey Medical Center

Walking Trail Along Hershey West End

Sunset at Hershey West End, Near Hershey Medical Center

Walking Trail Along Hershey West End

Walking Trail Along Hershey West End


Great Blue Heron Bird Sighting

Great Blue Heron Bird

Groundhog on Jonathan Eshenour Memorial Trail 

Deer on Bullfrog Valley Park Nature Trail

Family of Geese

Yellow and Black Swallowtail Butterflies


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