Penn-Jersey Annual Rose Show & Hershey Art Association Exhibit | September 2023

I attended my first ever rose show at the Hershey Gardens the weekend of September 16-17 2023. The roses were flawless and absolutely stunning. Rose flower arrangements and single roses were judged and awarded prizes. The Penn-Jersey Annual Rose Show by American Rose Society was an interesting experience and I'd recommend that everyone attend one. 

I also included some photos and images of the Hershey Area Art Association Exhibit that took place the previous weekend (Labor Day weekend) at the Hershey Gardens. The Hershey Area Art Association Exhibit featured a gallery of paintings and photographs from local Hershey, PA artists. 

      The Penn-Jersey Annual Rose Show at the Hershey Gardens | September 2023

Hershey Area Art Association Exhibit at Hershey Gardens | September 2023


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